張一鳴,博士,副研究員,碩士生導師,能(néng)源材料信息學(xué)團隊負責人。2001年~2003年就讀于浙江理工大學(xué)機械電子工程專業,2006年獲英國(guó)倫敦大學(xué)瑪麗皇後(hòu)學(xué)院(Queen Mary, University of London)一等榮譽工程碩士學(xué)位,2010年獲英國(guó)倫敦大學(xué)瑪麗皇後(hòu)學(xué)院博士學(xué)位。2010年加入中科院甯波材料所。
- Nowotny八面(miàn)體相(MAX相材料、鈣钛礦材料)的理論設計與結構映射
- MXene的高通量計算和篩選
- 元素周期律在材料設計中的應用
- 極端環境能(néng)源材料的信息學(xué)方法分析與設計
- 主動學(xué)習策略在材料設計中的應用
- 先進(jìn)智能(néng)算法設計
- 運用自然語言處理技術的學(xué)術文獻知識萃取
- AI4S——材料領域大模型
- 文章
- Erxiao Wu, Nianxiang Qiu, Kan Luo, Xinyu Chen, Diwei Shi, Moran Bu, Shiyu Du, Zhifang Chai, Qing Huang. YimingZhang*. The studies of electronic structure, mechanical properties and ideal fracture behavior of U3Si1.75Al0.25: first-principle investigations, JMR&T. 2021, 15, 1356.
- Xinyu Chen, Yanqing Qin, Diwei Shi, Yaolin Guo, Jiexi Song, Moran Bu, Yiming Zhang*, Qing Huang, Guoquan Liu, Zhifang Chai, Shiyu Du. Investigations of the stability and electronic structures of U3Si2-Al: A first-principles study. Chem. Phys. 2021, 543, 111088.
- YuanYuan, Yanqing Qin, Kai Xu, YimingZhang, Qing Huang, Keke Chang, Shiyu Du. Exploring U3Si2-based alloys through phase diagram investigations. J. Nucl. Mater. 2021, 547, 152770.
- Xinyu Chen, Yanqing Qin, Diwei Shi, Yaolin Guo, Moran Bu, Tao Yan, Jiexi Song, Guoquan Liu, Yiming Zhang*, Shiyu Du. First-principles investigations on the anisotropic elasticity and thermodynamic properties of U3Si2–Al. RSC Adv., 2020, 10, 35049–35056.
- Yuchen Jiang, Yiming Zhang*, Qing Huang, Lvyuan Hao, Shiyu Du. The compositional dependence of structural stability and resulting properties for Mn+1CnT2 (M = Sc, Ti, V; T = O, OH, F, Cl, Br and I; n = 1, 2): first-principle investigations. JMR&T. 2020, 9, 14979-14989.
- Xiaojing Bai, Xian-Hu Zha, Yingjie Qiao, Nianxiang Qiu, Yiming Zhang, Kan Luo, Jian He, Qiuwu Li, Qing Huang, Joseph S. Francisco, Cheng-Te Lin, Shiyu Du. Two-dimensional semiconducting Lu2CT2 (T = F, OH) MXene with low work function and high carrier mobility. Nanoscale 2020, 12, 3795–3802.
- Yiming Zhang, Zeyu Mao, Qi Han, Youbing Li, Mian Li, Shiyu, Zhifang Chai, Qing Huang. The role of Hume-Rothery's rules play in the MAX phases formability. Materialia 2020, 12, 100810.
- Yiming Zhang, J. R. G. Evans, S. Yang. Exploring correlations between properties using artificial neural networks. Metall. Mater. Trans. A 2020, 51, 58-75.
- X. Chu, Y. Zhang*, Z. Liu, Q. Huang, X. Lu, Z. Chai, S. Du. The role of nuclear charges in unifying the descriptions of neural netwworks (NN)-based force fields. Mater. Lett. 2020, 276, 128262.
- 都(dōu)時禹,張一鳴,羅侃,黃慶 自然啓發(fā)算法庫構建設想及其在新材料研發(fā)中的意義。無機材料學(xué)報 2019, 34, 27-36.
- Qiang Du, Qi Han, Yiming Zhang*, Zhaoping Liu, Shuang Tian, Zhimin Zhang. Adopting combined strategies to make state of charge (SOC) estimation for practical use. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy. 2018, 10, 034102.
- Milin Zhang, Pu Wang, Yiming Zhang, Debin Ji, Yongde Yan, Weiqun Shi, Qing Huang, Shiyu Du. New formulation for reduction potentials of (Cu, Ni, Al, Zn)-lanthanide alloys - implications for electrolysis-based pyroprocessing of spent nuclear fuel. Electrochemistry Communications. 2018, 93, 180-182.
- 杜強,張一鳴*,田爽,劉兆平,張治民 锂離子電池SEI膜形成(chéng)機理及化成(chéng)工藝影響。電源技術 2018,42(12),1922-1926
- Guozhou Liang, Yiming Zhang*, Qi Han, Zhaoping Liu, Zhen Jiang, Shuang Tian. A Novel 3D-layered electrochemical-thermal coupled model strategy for the nail-penetration process simulation. J. Power. Sources 2017, 342, 836.
- 梁國(guó)周,張一鳴*,田爽,劉兆平,蔣蓁 锂離子電池針刺安全性研究概覽。電源技術 2016,40(12),2472-2475
- Yiming Zhang, Xisheng Tang, Zhiping Qi, Zhaoping Liu. The Ragone plots guided sizing of hybrid storage system for taming the wind power. Int. J. Electr. Power Energy Syst. 2015, 65, 246.
- Hailiang Cao, Xufeng Zhou, Yiming Zhang, Liang Chen, Zhaoping Liu. Microspherical polyaniline/graphene nanocomposites for high performance supercapacitors. J. Power Sources 2013, 243, 715.
- Xing Xin, Xiayin Yao, Yiming Zhang, Zhaoping Liu, Xiaoxiong Xu. Si/C nanocomposite anode materials by freeze-drying with enhanced electrochemical performance in lithium-ion batteries. J. Solid. State. Electrochem. 2012, 16, 2733.
- Xiayin Yao, Xing Xin, Yiming Zhang, Jun Wang, Zhaoping Liu, Xiaoxiong Xu. Co3O4 nanowires as high capacity anode materials for lithium ion batteries. J. Alloys. Compd. 2012, 521, 95.
- Yiming Zhang, R. Ubic, D. F. Xue, S. Yang. Predicting the structural stability and formability of ABO3-type perovskite compounds using artificial neural networks. Materials Focus 2012, 1, 57.
- Jun Wang, Yonggao Xia, Xiayin Yao, Minghao Zhang, Yiming Zhang, and Zhaoping Liu. Synthesis and Electrochemical Feature of a Multiple-phases Li-Rich Nickel Manganese Oxides Cathode Material. Inter. J. Electrochem. Sci. 2011, 6, 6670.
- Y. M. Zhang, J. R. G. Evans, S. F. Yang. Corrected values for boiling points and enthalpies of vaporization of elements in handbooks. J. Chem. Eng. Data 2011, 56, 328.
- Y. M. Zhang, J. R. G. Evans, S. F. Yang. Detection of material property errors in handbooks and databases using artificial neural networks with hidden correlations. Philos. Mag. 2010, 90, 4453.
- Y. M. Zhang, J. R. G. Evans, S. Yang. The prediction of solid solubility of alloys: developments and applications of Hume-Rothery's Rules. J. Cryst. Phys. Chem. 2010, 1, 103. (Invited Review)
- Y. M. Zhang, S. Yang, J. R. G. Evans. Revisiting Hume-Rothery’s Rules with artificial neural networks. Acta Mater. 2008, 56, 1094.
- 專利
- 劉兆平,張一鳴,周旭峰,基于石墨烯填料的通用電子漿料,CN 102254584 B
- 韓琪,張一鳴,劉兆平,袁國(guó)霞,夏永高,一種(zhǒng)兩(liǎng)相反應材料和單相反應材料混合的放電曲線計算方法,CN103792497 A
- 韓琪,張一鳴,田爽,劉兆平,一種(zhǒng)電池荷電狀态估計方法及裝置,CN104573401 A
- 梁國(guó)周,張一鳴,田爽,劉兆平,韓琪,賀志龍,蔣亞北,一種(zhǒng)老化的锂電池充放電狀态下熱分析方法和系統,201610247795.5
- 梁國(guó)周,張一鳴,田爽,劉兆平,韓琪,賀志龍,蔣亞北,一種(zhǒng)锂離子電池針刺測試仿真方法與裝置,201610586684.7
- 軟件著作權
- 張一鳴,平抑風功率波動的混合儲能(néng)系統規劃軟件v 1.0(授權登記号:2012SR084222)
- 張一鳴,平抑風功率波動的混合儲能(néng)協調控制軟件v 1.0(授權登記号:2012SR098953)
- 張一鳴,多種(zhǒng)混合儲能(néng)應用于分布式微網的協調控制軟件(授權登記号:2015SR266154)
- 韓琪,張一鳴,預測混合正極材料放電曲線計算分析仿真軟件(授權登記号:2015SR058393)
- 韓琪,張一鳴,锂電池管理系統監測軟件(授權登記号:2015SR248141)
- 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上項目:基于材料信息學(xué)方法的事(shì)故容錯複合燃料服役性能(néng)研究與設計參數優化。2019~2022(60萬,主持)
- 浙江省重點研發(fā)計劃:大規模并行計算系統關鍵技術研究——大規模衆核軟件系統開(kāi)發(fā)和高通量材料計算應用示範。2019~2021(250萬,主要貢獻人)
- 國(guó)家重點研發(fā)計劃:先進(jìn)*燃料包殼的材料基因組多尺度軟件設計開(kāi)發(fā)和應用示範。2016~2021(2200萬,主要參與)
- 中國(guó)科學(xué)院知識創新工程重要方向(xiàng)項目:基于多種(zhǒng)儲能(néng)互補的協調控制系統研究與示範。2011~2016(300萬,主持)
- 甯波市自然科學(xué)基金:基于高通量組合合成(chéng)方法的層狀富锂固溶體正極材料研究。2012~2014(4萬,主持)
- 中國(guó)博士後(hòu)科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上資助項目:锂離子電池/超級電容器儲能(néng)互補系統的優化設計與控制方法研究。2011~2013(6萬,主持)
- 歸國(guó)留學(xué)人員博士後(hòu)基金:用于平抑風功率波動的混合儲能(néng)互補系統的優化設計與控制方法研究。2010~2012(10萬,主持)
- 教育部留學(xué)回國(guó)人員科研啓動基金:石墨烯改性磷酸鐵锂納米材料的高通組合合成(chéng)研究。2010~2012(3.5萬,主持)
- 倫敦大學(xué)中心研究基金(CRF,AR/CRF/B):基于人工神經(jīng)網絡方法尋找材料性能(néng)之間關系的研究。2009~2010(0.3萬英鎊,主持)