張健 研究員
1. 納米晶永磁材料的結構和磁性; 2. 納米團簇、磁性薄膜材料的結構和功能(néng)研究。
2011-05--今 中國(guó)科學(xué)院甯波材料技術與工程研究所 研究員
2008-07--2010-04 河北工業大學(xué) 教授
2005-03--2008-06 德國(guó)馬普固體物理研究所 洪堡和馬普學(xué)者
2003-10--2005-02 日本國(guó)立材料研究所 JSPS特别研究員
2001-09--2003-09 中國(guó)科學(xué)院物理所和中國(guó)科學(xué)院理化所 聯合培養博士後(hòu)
1998-09--2001-06 中國(guó)科學(xué)院物理研究所 博士學(xué)位
1995-09--1998-06 中國(guó)科學(xué)院金屬研究所 碩士學(xué)位
已在SCI 收錄的重要國(guó)際學(xué)術期刊發(fā)表論文百餘篇,申請國(guó)際、國(guó)内發(fā)明專利多項。主持和參與多項國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上項目、中科院重點部署方向(xiàng)子課題、國(guó)家重點基礎研究發(fā)展(973)計劃、國(guó)家高技術研究發(fā)展(863)計劃子課題、浙江省重點科技創新團隊和甯波市科技創新團隊第一層次等。中國(guó)電子學(xué)會應用磁學(xué)分會委員。
- 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上基金:單個稀土硬磁合金團簇原位晶化和相轉變及磁性能(néng)研究,2019.01~2023.12,主持;
- 國(guó)家重點研發(fā)計劃:多尺度功能(néng)基元構築的高性能(néng)稀土永磁材料,2021.12~2025.11,參與。
- 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上基金:低溫表面(miàn)活性劑輔助球磨制備稀土硬磁納米顆粒和片狀材料,2014.01~2017.12,主持;
- 國(guó)家重點基礎研究發(fā)展計劃(973計劃):資源節約型高性能(néng)稀土永磁材料設計和可控制備,2014.12~2018.08,參與。
- 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上基金:高性能(néng)Sm-Co/Fe納米複合永磁多層膜研究,2012.01~2015.12,主持;
- 國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金面(miàn)上基金:用于磁性微機電系統高性能(néng)Sm-Co基永磁薄膜研究,2010.01~2012.12,主持;
- Resolving the Early-stage Nucleus Structure and Evolution in Atomic Systems, Yun Li, Hubin Luo*, Fang Wang, Yinhang Yang, Cuimeng Song, J. Ping Liu, Izabela Szlufarska*, Jian Zhang*, Baogen Shen, Materials Today (2024).
- Utilizing ultrapure magnetite concentrate for environmentally friendly and low-cost synthesis of high-performance strontium ferrite, Zhenhuan Li, Pengbo Fu, Huayang Gong, Lichen Wang, Jian Zhang*, Fanbin Meng*, Baogen Shen, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 976 (2024) 173140.
- Controllable Thickness of Amorphous Carbon Coverage to Enhance the Activity and Stability of Transition Metals in Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Cuimeng Song, Zhiting Fang, Yun Li, Fang Wang, Jian Wu*, Fanbin Meng*, Jian Zhang*, Baogen Shen, Energy Fuels (2024).
- Jingbin Huang, Min Huang, Fang Wang, Zhanyong Wang, and Jian Zhang, Microstructure Optimization and Coercivity Enhancement of Sintered NdFeB Magnet by Grain Boundary Diffusion of Multicomponent Tb60Pr10Cu10Al10Zn10 Films, Materials 16(8), 3131 (2023).
- A facile way to tune the chemical composition of gas-phase synthesized nanoclusters, Yinhang Yang,Yun Li, Hubin Luo, Cuimeng Song, Jingbin Huang, Zhichen Dong, Jian Wu, Yujin Li, Fanbin Meng, Jian Zhang, Materials Today Communications 35, 106240 (2023).
- Min Huang, Zhiqiang Qiu, Fang Wang, Hubin Luo, Jian Zhang, High-efficiency utilization of Tb in enhancing the coercivity of Nd-Fe-B magnets by multicomponent Tb 70−x Pr x Cu 10 Al 10 Zn 10 (x = 0–30) film diffusion, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 901 (2022) 163619.
- Nannan Li, Nadeem Abbas, Yun Li, Yujin Li, J. Ping Liu, Fang Wang, Huijing Du* and Jian Zhang*, Magnetic property improvement and crystallization tuning of cluster-beam-deposition fabricated Sm–Co-X nanoparticles via bias voltage, CrystEngComm, 21, 6869–6874 (2019)
- Nadeem Abbas, Yun Li, Jian-zhong Ding, J. Ping Liu, Hu-bin Luo, Juan Du, Wei-xing Xia, Aru Yan, Fang Wang, Jian Zhang*, A facile synthesis of directly gas-phase ordered high anisotropic Sm-Co based non-segregated nanoalloys by cluster beam deposition method, Materials and Design 181, 108052 (2019).
- Yang Liu, Weixing Xia, J. Ping Liu, Juan Du, Aru Yan, Denggao Guan,* Youhao Liu and Jian Zhang*, Coercivity enhancement and mechanism in a high Ce-containing Nd–Ce–Fe–B film by the design of a diffusion layer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 7, 7318-7326 (2019).
- Nadeem Abbas, Fang Wang, Hanyang Ren, J. Ping Liu, Weixing Xia, Juan Du, Guoping Zhao*, and Jian Zhang*, Determination of interface layer effects on magnetic properties of nanocomposite magnets and exchange coupling between magnetic entities, Applied Surface Science 480, 454–462 (2019).
- Wenhui Liang, Fengxia Hu,* Jian Zhang,* Hao Kuang, Jia Li, Jiefu Xiong, Kaiming Qiao, Jing Wang,* Jirong Sun and Baogen Shen, Anisotropic nonvolatile magnetization controlled by electric field in amorphous SmCo thin films grown on (011)-cut PMN-PT substrates, Nanoscale, 11, 246-257 (2019)
- Hanyang Ren, Nadeem Abbas, Yang Liu, Hong Tang, Wanglin Gui, Jianzhong Ding, J. Ping Liu, Weixing Xia, Juan Du and Jian Zhang*, Magnetic hardening of Nd-Ce-Fe-B films with high Ce concentration, Scientific Reports, 8, 11599 (2018)
- Yanfeng Su, Hao Su, Yuejin Zhu, Fang Wang, Juan Du, Weixing Xia, Aru Yan, J. Ping Liu, Jian Zhang*, Effects of magnetic field heat treatment on SmCo/a-Fe nanocomposite permanent magnetic materials prepared by high energy ball milling, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 647, 375-379 (2015)
- Lidong Liu, Songlin Zhang, Jian Zhang*, J. Ping Liu, Weixing Xia, Juan Du, Aru Yan, Jianhong Yi, Wei Li, Zhaohui Guo, Highly anisotropic SmCo5 nanoflakes by surfactant-assisted ball milling at low temperature, J. Magn. Magn. Mater., 374, 108–115 (2015)
- Jian Zhang*, A-Ru Yan, and J. Ping Liu*,Permanent Magnetic Films, (review paper), Reviews in Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 3, 289-303 (2014).
- Lidong Liu, J. Ping Liu, Jian Zhang*, Weixing Xia, Juan Du, Aru Yan, Wei Li, Zhaohui Guo, The microstructure and magnetic properties of anisotropic polycrystalline Nd2Fe14B nanoflakes prepared by surfactant-assisted cryomilling, Materials Research Express, 1, 016106 (2014)
- J. Zhang, V. Sessi, C. H. Michaelis, I. Brihuega, J. Honolka, K. Kern, R. Skomski, X. Chen, G. Rojas, and A. Enders, “Ordered Layers of Co Clusters On Boron-Nitride Template Layers”, Phys. Rev. B, 78,165430 (2008)
- Jian Zhang, Y. K. Takahashi, R. Gopalan and K. Hono, “Sm(Co,Cu)(5)/Fe exchange spring multilayer films with high energy product”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 86, 122509 (2005).
- Jian Zhang, Hui Liu, Chuan-bin Rong, Hong-wei Zhang, Shao-ying Zhang, Bao-gen Shen, Yuan-qiang Bai, and Bao-he Li, “Anomalous temperature dependence of coercivity in precipitation hardened Pr-Co-Cu-Ti magnets”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 1172 (2003).
- Jian Zhang, Bao-gen Shen, Shao-ying Zhang, Y. Q. Wang, and X. F. Duan, “Structure and magnetic properties of nanostructured PrCo7-xTix(x=0-0.4) prepared by mechanical milling and subsequent annealing”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 1418 (2002).
- 邊寶茹,金乾,張健,宮華揚,沈保根。一種(zhǒng)Ce-Mn摻雜的锶鐵氧體及其制備方法與應用。授權專利号:ZL 2022 1 1492514.4;
- 田輝榮;宋翠夢;李雲;吳建;張健。高催化性能(néng)超薄金屬氧化物基納米材料及其制法與應用。授權專利号:ZL 2022 1 0716340.9。
- 王鳳青,張健,李豔鵬,張耀,池建義。SmCo的納米晶複合永磁粉體的宏量生産方法。授權專利号:ZL 2020 1 0193225.9。
- 王鳳青;張健;李豔鵬;張耀;池建義;一種(zhǒng)納米複合永磁材料的制備方法,(授權)專利号ZL2020101976331。
- 祁曉玉、王永、張健、杜娟、夏衛星、闫阿儒、劉平,具有高膜基結合力的Sm-Co基永磁薄膜及其制備方法,發(fā)明專利(授權)專利号:ZL 2014 1 0350870. 1。
- 劉立東、張健、王芳、夏衛星、杜娟、闫阿儒、劉平 ,一種(zhǒng)具有高剩磁比的稀土-钴永磁顆粒的制備方法,發(fā)明專利(授權)專利号:ZL 2014 1 0223780. 6。
- 劉立東、張健、劉平、闫阿儒、夏衛星、杜娟、劉劍,一種(zhǒng)制備稀土-過(guò)渡族永磁合金微/納米顆粒的方法,發(fā)明專利(授權)專利号:ZL 2013 1 0133182. 5 。
- 張昀、張健、劉平、闫阿儒,一種(zhǒng)基底材料表面(miàn)的Sm-Co基永磁薄膜及其制備方法,發(fā)明專利(授權)專利号:ZL 2012 1 0200142.3。
- 祁曉玉、張健、劉平、闫阿儒,一種(zhǒng)磁場熱處理用管式退火爐,實用新型專利(授權)專利号:ZL 2012 2 0178911. X 。
- J. Zhang, Y. Takahashi, R. Gopalan, K. Hono," NANO COMPOSITE MAGNET AND ITS MANUFACTURING METHOD ",Publication number :2006-173210.