龐永豔 副研究員
















2008-2012,美國(guó)國(guó)家标準與技術研究院 NIST),博士後(hòu)





主要通過(guò)聚合物加工和發(fā)泡過(guò)程的基礎科學(xué)問題、高分子材料的結構-性能(néng)關系、發(fā)泡材料的功能(néng)化及應用等方面(miàn)的研究,建立高分子材料“加工-結構-性能(néng)-應用”從基礎到應用的貫通研究。同時,利用超臨界流體加工平台,探索高分子材料的先進(jìn)加工技術。作爲項目負責人,承擔國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金、浙江省公益技術應用研究計劃項目、浙江省自然科學(xué)基金、甯波市科技創新2025重大專項子課題、甯波市自然科學(xué)基金和北京分子科學(xué)國(guó)家實驗室開(kāi)放課題等項目。作爲主要完成(chéng)人,參與國(guó)家自然科學(xué)基金委重大項目子課題及多個橫縱向(xiàng)課題;同時,作爲主要完成(chéng)人,完成(chéng)多個NIST項目。目前在PolymerJournal of Supercritical Fluids Polymer Degradation and StabilityJournal of Materials Science等國(guó)内外雜志上發(fā)表論文30餘篇,申請發(fā)明專利20餘項。擔任 Industrial & Engineering Chemistry ResearchJournal of Materials ScienceJournal of Applied Polymer SciencePolymer BulletinChinese Journal of Polymer Science等雜志的審稿人。



[1] Wei Liu, Yongyan Pang*, Minghui Wu, Kangpei Qin, Wenge Zheng*. Dependence of the Foaming Window of a Polystyrene/Poly(methyl methacrylate) Blend on Structural Evolution Driven by Phase Separation. Polymer, 2019, 166: 63-71.

[2] Pengke Huang, Fei Wu, Yongyan Pang*, Minghui Wu, Xiaoqin Lan, Haibin Luo, Bin Shen*, Wenge Zheng*. Enhanced Dispersion, Flame Retardancy and Mechanical Properties of Polypropylene/Intumescent Flame Retardant Composites via Supercritical CO2 Foaming Followed by Defoaming. Composites Science and Technology, 2019, 171: 282-290.

[3] Pengke Huang, Minghui Wu, Yongyan Pang*, Bin Shen*, Fei Wu, Xiaoqin Lan, Haibin Luo, Wenge Zheng*. Ultrastrong, Flexible and Lightweight Anisotropic Polypropylene Foams with Superior Flame Retardancy. Composites Part A, 2019, 116: 180-186.

[4] Wei Liu, Yongyan Pang*, Kun Wang, Wenge Zheng. Structure Evolution Driven by Phase Separation and the Corresponding Foaming Behavior of Polystyrene/Poly(methyl methacrylate) Blends via a Batch Foaming Process. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2018, 135, 46704.

[5] Yongyan Pang*, Shusheng Wang, Minghui Wu, Wei Liu, Fei Wu, Patrick C. Lee*, Wenge Zheng. Kinetics Study of Oil Sorption with Open-cell Polypropylene/Polyolefin Elastomer Blend Foams Prepared via Continuous Extrusion Foaming. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2018, 29: 1313-1321.

[6] Pengke Huang, Yongyan Pang*, Lihua Zhang, Fei Wu, Shuhai Zhang, Wenge Zheng*. A New Approach Designed for Improving Flame Retardancy of Intumescent Polypropylene via Continuous Extrusion with Supercritical CO2. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 112184-112192.

[7] Kun Wang, Yongyan Pang*, Pengke Huang, Lihua Zhang, Wei Liu, Wenge Zheng. Application of Supercritical CO2 as the Processing Medium to Tune Impact Fracture Behavior of Polypropylene/Poly(ethylene-co-octene) Blends. RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 106347-106354.

[8] Kun Wang, Yongyan Pang*, Wei Liu, Fei Wu, Wenge Zheng*. A New Approach Designed for Improving in Situ Compatibilization of Polypropylene/Polystyrene Blends via Reactive Extrusion with Supercritical CO2 as the Processing Medium. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2016, 118: 203-209.

[9] Yongyan Pang*, Pengke Huang, Lihua Zhang. An Innovative Approach to Construct Photodegradation Curves for TiO2 Incorporated Latex Coatings via Probing Localized Degradation. Polymer Degradation and Stability, 2016, 133, 27-35.

[10] Shusheng Wang, Kun Wang, Yongyan Pang*, Yang Li, Fei Wu, Sui Wang, Wenge Zheng. Open-cell Polypropylene/Polyolefin Elastomer Blend Foams Fabricated for Reusable Oil-sorption Materials. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2016, 133, 43812 (1-10).

[11] Kun Wang, Yongyan Pang*, Fei Wu, Wentao Zhai, Wenge Zheng*. Cell Nucleation in Dominating Formation of Bimodal Cell Structure in Polypropylene/Polystyrene Blend Foams Prepared via Continuous Extrusion with Supercritical CO2. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2016, 110: 65-74.

[12] Kun Wang, Shusheng Wang, Fei Wu, Yongyan Pang*, Wei Liu, Wentao Zhai, Wenge Zheng*. A New Strategy for Preparation of Long-Chain Branched Polypropylene via Reactive Extrusion with Supercritical CO2 Designed for an Improved Foaming Approach. Journal of Materials Science, 2016, 51: 2705-2715.

[13] Kun Wang, Shusheng Wang, Fei Wu, Yongyan Pang*, Wentao Zhai, Wenge Zheng*. Supercritical CO2 in Controlling Phase Morphology of Polypropylene/Polystyrene Blends and the Corresponding Mechanical Properties and Foamability. Polymer Bulletin, 2016, 73: 941-957.

[14] Yaqing Ma, Yongyan Pang*. Mechanism Study on Char Formation of Zinc Acetylacetonate on ABS Resin. Chinese Journal of Polymer Science, 2015, 33: 772-782.

[15] Yongyan Pang*, Stephanie S. Watson, Li-Piin Sung. Surface Degradation Process Affected by Heterogeneity in Nano-titanium Dioxide Filled Acrylic Urethane Coatings under Accelerated UV Exposure. Polymer, 2014, 55: 6594-6603.

[16] Xiaohong Gu*, Yongyan Pang, Chiao-Chi Lin, Kaipeng Liu, Tinh Nguyen, Joannie W. Chin. Linking Accelerated Laboratory and Outdoor Exposure Results for PV Polymeric Materials:A Mechanistic Study of EVA. Proceedings of SPIE, Reliability of Photovoltaic Cells, Modules, Components, and Systems VI, 2013, Volume 8825, 88250L, 1-15. Editors:Neelkanth G. Dhere, John H. Wohlgemuth, Kevin W. Lynn.

[17] Yongyan Pang, Xia Dong*, Ying Zhao, Charles C. Han, Dujin Wang*. Phase Separation Induced Morphology Evolution and Corresponding Impact Fracture Behavior of iPP/PEOc Blends. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2011, 121: 445-453.

[18] Yongyan Pang, Xia Dong*, Kaipeng Liu, Charles C. Han, Erqiang Chen, Dujin Wang*. Ductile-Brittle Transition Controlled by Isothermal Crystallization of Isotactic Polypropylene and Its Blend with Poly(ethylene-co-octene). Polymer, 2008, 49: 4259-4270.

[19] Yongyan Pang, Xia Dong*, Xiuqin Zhang, Kaipeng Liu, Erqiang Chen, Charles C. Han, Dujin Wang*. Interplay between Crystallization Behaviors and Extensional Deformation of iPP and iPP/PEOc Blend. Polymer, 2008, 49: 2568-2577.

[20] Yongyan Pang, Xia Dong*, Ying Zhao, Charles C. Han, Dujin Wang*. Time Evolution of Phase Structure and Corresponding Mechanical Properties of iPP/PEOc Blends in the Late-Stage Phase Separation and Crystallization. Polymer, 2007, 48: 6395-6403.



[1] 龐永豔,鄭文革,吳明輝,曹詣宇,吳飛. 微發(fā)泡材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201910146959.9.

[2] 任倩,鄭文革,翟文濤,沈斌,吳飛,龐永豔,李蝶,鄭皓.一種(zhǒng)聚碳酸酯發(fā)泡片材的制備工藝及其産品. 申請号:201810825735.6.

[3] 任倩,鄭文革,翟文濤,沈斌,吳飛,龐永豔,李蝶,鄭皓.一種(zhǒng)聚碳酸酯基光擴散材料及其制備工藝. 申請号:201810826564.9.

[4] 龐永豔,鄭文革,劉偉,吳明輝,覃康培. 2,5-呋喃二甲酸基聚酯發(fā)泡材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201810357963.5.

[5] 龐永豔,鄭文革,劉偉,吳明輝,覃康培. 2,5-呋喃二甲酸基共聚酯發(fā)泡材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201810357987.0.

[6] 龐永豔,鄭文革,黃朋科,劉偉,吳明輝. 聚烯烴發(fā)泡材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201810134382.5.

[7] 龐永豔,鄭文革,黃朋科,劉偉,吳明輝. 聚烯烴發(fā)泡材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201810135220.3.

[8] 龐永豔,鄭文革,劉偉,吳明輝,黃朋科. 聚合物雙峰泡孔材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201711345678.3.

[9] 龐永豔,鄭文革,張利華,黃朋科,劉偉. 一種(zhǒng)阻燃增韌劑及其制備方法. 申請号:201611189245.9.

[10] 龐永豔,鄭文革,黃朋科,張利華,劉偉. 一種(zhǒng)PBT複合材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201611189261.8.

[11] 龐永豔,鄭文革,黃朋科,張利華,劉偉. 一種(zhǒng)尼龍複合材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201611189251.4.

[12] 鄭文革,龐永豔,王舒生,王坤,吳飛. 一種(zhǒng)油污處理裝置. 申請号:201620508263.8. 授權

[13] 龐永豔,鄭文革,黃朋科,張利華,吳飛. 一種(zhǒng)阻燃聚烯烴複合物及其制備方法. 申請号:201610252554.X.

[14] 龐永豔,鄭文革,黃朋科,張利華,吳飛. 一種(zhǒng)阻燃聚烯烴複合物及其制備方法. 申請号:201610254837.8.

[15] 龐永豔,鄭文革,王坤,王舒生,吳飛. 一種(zhǒng)聚丙烯共混物及其制備方法. 申請号:201610117411.8. 授權

[16] 鄭文革,龐永豔,王坤,吳飛,王舒生. 一種(zhǒng)含雙峰泡孔結構的泡沫材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201510940039.6. 授權

[17] 鄭文革,龐永豔,王坤,吳飛,王舒生. 一種(zhǒng)聚丙烯/聚苯乙烯合金及其制備方法. 申請号:201510560530.6.

[18] 鄭文革,龐永豔,王舒生,王坤,吳飛. 一種(zhǒng)開(kāi)孔聚合物泡沫材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201510392352.0. 授權

[19] 鄭文革,龐永豔,王舒生,王坤,吳飛. 一種(zhǒng)開(kāi)孔聚合物泡沫材料及其制備方法. 申請号:201510392373.2. 授權

[20] 鄭文革,王坤,龐永豔,翟文濤,吳飛. 一種(zhǒng)長(cháng)鏈支化聚丙烯的制備方法. 申請号:201510108423.X.